of a
The Mutuality Warrior Corps --
What It is...
Started with 9 original members
during a gathering in Los
Angeles soon after the
publication of "The Mutuality
Warrior" by Uriah J. Fields.
The Mutuality Warrior Corps
(MWC) is an association of
people who commit themselves
to pursue the threefold function
presented below. MWC is an
acronym for the Mutuality
Warrior Corps and the Mutuality
World Community. A member of
the Mutuality Warrior Corps is
also a member of the Mutuality
World Community.
Threefold function of MWC
* To develop Mutuality Warriors
or personhood - the process of
becoming fully human.
* To encourage the practice of
community - the experience of
having "essentials in common" and
caring about oneself and others.
* To promote peace - personal and
social - through compassion and
the consciousness of justice.
Your Invitation to Join MWC
Uriah J. Fields
How are we to live our lives
reasonably safe from
destructiveness without
withdrawing or hiding to
avoid things we fear and
apparent danger? Mutuality
practitioner Uriah J. Fields
now points the way toward
confronting and managing
destructiveness while
simultaneously extending
caring in this compeling
book. It offers a better way
of life - the Mutuality way
of life that can begin now.
Reading "The Mutuality
Warrior" is a prerequisite
to becoming a member
of MWC. (138 pages)
Join the Quest for Personhood,
Commuinity and Peace
The Mutuality Warrior's Pledge
I lift my right hand against
I extend my left hand in
I raise my two hands in praise.
With my right hand I confront
fear, oppose greed, deflate
egoism, challenge laziness
disarm the abuser, expose
the manipulator and deprive
the parasite.
These are seven destroyers of life.
With my left hand I administer
compassion, embrace intimacy,
engage in play, express uniqueness,
bestow honor, inspire oneness and
give all to love.
These are seven enhancers of life.
With my two hands I glorify the
Creator, enjoy salvation, maximize
health, empower people, proclaim
truth, safeguard freedom and
promote peace.
These are seven delights of life.
In this full life stance I am;
I know; I feel; I do, I transcend;
I am being the knowing, the
feeling, the doing, the transcending.
(This is the revised stating of the
("Pledge of the Mutuality Warrior" found
in the book, "The Mutuality Warrior"
by Uriah J.Fields (p.4). The 138-page
book is a Warrior's guide book.")
Decadency, feelings of hopelessness,
disease, pollution, poverty, and corruption
are present nearly everywhere. People
are despairing and the garden once
beautiful and nourishing is now barren.
It is more like a cesspool than a river.
There is so much to be done before
the garden, our embattled and
life-sucking world, may bloom again and
dispense fragrances that will remove
the bitterness we taste and keep us
from becoming the modern dinosaurs of
planet earth. We are the gardeners and
the seeds which together have the power
to bring forth a rich harvest, including our
healing. Let us tend this life and our
living with care that the harvest might
be beautiful. Remember, it is in our
hands, Mutuality Warrior. Unless you tend
the garden there will be no harvest desirable
for humans, no rejoicing, no victory over
defeat and, just maybe, the end of hope.
(From "The Mutuality Warrior," P. 52
Book Order Form
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Cost: $9.95 per book plus $3.00 shipping. Make check or money order
payable to: MWC. Mail to:
P. O. Box 4770
Charlottesville, VA 22905
After you read this book fill out the Application below:
Membership Application *To Join the Mutuality Warrior Corps
/___/ I submit my Application for Membership in MWC. I have read "The
Mutuality Warrior" by Uriah J. Fields
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City_____________________________State_______ Zip__________
Membership dues: $10.00 a year. The Membership is free the first year.
You are encouraged to read other writings by Uriah J. Fields on
this website: and other writings on
There is a better way to live.
I have discovered that better
way to be the Mutuality way.
P.S. Be sure to read on this web site
the "Mutuality World Community."
Click on "Custom 9"
Copyright 2010 by MWC/UJF
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Mutuality Warrior Corps Member