A Letter to my Readers
"The Word for Today" is a revision of "Fields" Self-Actualization Daily Word List" that was published a decade ago. Because of numerous testimonies received from people who read and applied these words to their living the author is reissuing this booklet with a slight modification, under the name "The Word for Today," that most respondents called it.
This "daily word list" is designed to provide the users of "The Word for Today" with a word that will positively impact their minds each and every day and enable them to have a healthy attitude, act with confidence and be encouraged as they discover themselves each and every day.
How to use this word list:
(1) Bracket, (2) Define, (3) Focus, (4) Apply, and (5) Review.
1. Bracket in your mind the word for the calendar day of the current month and the theme word for that month. Example: on the fourth day of January the word for today is "Kindness" and the word for January is self-esteem.
2. Define the word for today. Consult a dictionary if you do no already know the meaning of the word This is mandatory.
3. Focus on "the word for today" in the light of and in relationship to the theme word for the month. Say aloud both the word for today and the theme word for the month at least seven times. As you say them be aware of your thoughts and feelings. Are they pleasant, encouraging, challenging, nurturing, sensuous, inciting, consciousness raising?
4. Apply "the word for today" by using it and, whenever possible, demonstrating it in actions that you take. Example: on the fourth of January express "Kindness" with personal acts that will positvely impact your self-esteem and that of the recipients of your kindness.
5. Review seven words from the current month's word list preferably on the 7th, 14th, 21st and the remaining words on the last day of that month or thereabout. In addition, discuss these words the following month with one, two or more persons.
I enjoin you to celebrate and feast upon this offering.
1st. Self-awareness
2nd. Self-acceptance
3rd. Humility
4th. Kindness
5th. Initative
6th. Assertivenes
7th. Self-validation
8th. Dignity
9th. Personhood
10th. Balance
11th. Beauty
12th. Appearance
13th. Enthusiasm
14th. Feelings
15th. Growing
16th. Openness
17th. Reliability
18th. Discovery
19th. Centeredness
20th. Capabilities
21th. Confidence
22th. Self-definition
23th. Responsibility
24th. Preferences
25th. Self-supreme
26th. Pride
27th. Authenticity
28th. Competence
29th. Aliveness
30th. Self-respect
31st. Meaning
1st. Caring
2nd. Lover
3rd. Pairing
4th. Touching
5th. Altruism
6th. Romance
7th. Friendship
8th. Bonding
9th. Femininity
10th. Masculinity
11th. Companionship
12th. Intercourse (Sexual)
13th. Nakedness
14th. Stroking
15th. Orgasm
16th. Oral
17th. Passion
18th. Fragrance
19th. Seduction
20th. Gratification
21st. Concupiscence
22nd. Empathy
23rd. Sensuousness
24th. Sublimation
25th. Masturbation
26th. Nurturing
27th. Reproduction
28th. Eroticism
29th. Elope
(February 29th occurs every
four years. 2004 is a leap year.)
Theme Word: LEARNING
1st. Mind
3rd. Knoweldge
4th. Research
5th. Study
6th. Listening
7th. Communication
8th. Focusing
9th. Discipline
10th. Intelligence
11th. Dialogue
12th. Teaching
13th. Traveling
14th. Repetition
15th. Observing
16th. Writing
17th. Witnessing
18th. Training
19th. Personality
20th. Illumination
21st. Investigation.
22nd. Emotions
23rd. Environment
24th. Motivation
25th. Matriculation
26th. Searching
27th. Imagination
28th. Awakening
29th. Participation
30th. Transformation
31st. Science
1st. Mutuality
2nd. Complementary
3rd. Encouragement
4th. Integrity
5th. Compassion
6th. Appreciation
7th. Serving
8th. Dating
9th. Marriage
10th. Family
11th. Commitment
12th. Philosophy
13th. Short-term (R...)
14th. Availability
15th. Closeness
16th. Trust
17th. Termination (of the R...)
18th. Developing (the R...)
19th. Growing (in the R...)
20th. Space (in the R...)
21st. Intimate
22nd. Non-intimate
23rd. Interdependence
24th. Expectations
25th. Sensitivity
26th. Separateness
27th. Sharing
28th. Androgynous
29th. Promise
30th. Self-disclosue
Theme Word: FREEDOM
1st. Choice
2nd. Liberation
3rd. Mutuality (Warrior)
4th. Community
5th. Attitude
6th. Leadership
7th. Self-protection
8th. Unattachment
9th. Surrender
10th. Culture
11th. Ethos
12th. Justice
13th. Conviction
14th. Perseverance
15th. Power
16th. Judgement
17th. Economics
18th. Politics
19th. Fusion
20th. Contentment
21th. Thinking
22nd. Consumption
23rd. Distribution
24th. Money
25th. Self-determination
26th. Hope
27th. Clear (Psyche)
28th. Criticism
29th. Maturation
30th. Prosperity
31st. Self-actualization
1st. Silence
2nd. Angels
3rd. Contemplation
4th. Meditation
5th. Prayer
6th. Introspection
7th. Composing
8th. Ultimacy
9th. Majestic
10th. Mystery
11th. Beingness
12th. Self-hood
13th. Uniqueness
14th. Autonomy
15th. Self-suffiency
16th. Peace
17th. Purpose
18th. Self-analysis
19th. Consequences
20th. Restraint
21st. Productivity
22nd. Visions
23rd. Solitude
24th. Creativeness
25th. Internal
27th. Livingness
28th. Extrasensory
29th. Spirit-nourished
30th. Empowerment
1st. Breathing
2nd. Dieting
3rd. Exercising
4th. Healing
5th. Psyche
6th. Laughter
7th. Ecstasy
8th. Miracles
9th. Relaxation
10th. Disposition
11th. Leisure
12th. Seep
13th. Joking
14th. Nourishing
15th. Equilibrium
16th. Entertainment
17th. Self-expression
18th. Elimination
19th. Dreaming
10th. Renewal
21st. Conscious
22nd. Unconscious
23rd. Serendipity
14th. Functionality
25th. Frugality
26th. Wellness
27th. Prevention
28th. Cleanliness
29th. Rest
30th. Vanity
31st. Honesty
1st. Reality
2nd. Encounter
3rd. Challenge
4th. Indignation
5th. Disarm
6th. Courage
7th. Strategy
8th. Insistence
9th. Negoitation
10th. Winning
11th. Knockdown
12th. Aggression
13th. Enlist
14th. Inheritance
15th. Justifiableness
16th. Reconnaissance
17th. Equity
18th. Defense
19th. Demanding
20th. Class-action
21st. Accessibility
22nd. Cost-effectiveness
23rd. Win-win
24th. Win-lose
25th. Motive
26th. Benefits
27th. Definitiveness
28th. Alternatives
29th. Redeeming
30th. Engagement
31th. Truce
Theme Word: NOWNESS
1st. Today
2nd. Experiencing
3rd. Revelation
4th. Presence
5th. Abiding
6th. Existence
7th. Stillness
8th. Practicing
9th. Affirmation
10th. Embracing
11th. Essentiality
12th. Feasting
13th. Process
14th. Skepticism
15th. Completeness
16th. Contemporary
17th. Nature
18th. Fulfillment
19th. Righteousness
20th. Fullness
21st. Partaking
22nd. Accountabilty
23rd. Bracketing
24th. Enough
25th. Embodiment
26th. Present
27th. Irretrievability
28th. Unprecedented
29th. Momentary
30th. Phenomenon
1st. Satisfaction
2nd. Work
3rd. Play
4th. Giving
5th. Receiving
6th. Flowing
7th. Music (Instrumental)
8th. Singng
9th. Hobby
10th. Delectableness"
11th. Soaring
12th. Rejoicing
13th. Adventure
14th. Dancing
15th. Rapture
16th. Celebration
17th. Delight
18th. Halo
19th. Advent
20th. Happiness
21st. Eating
22nd. Simplicity
23rd. Reading
24th. Fantasy
25th. Humor
26th. Childlike
27th. Pleasure
28th. Selectivity
29th. Self-direction.
30th. Self-time
31st. Spontaniety
Theme Word: ONENESS
1st. Unity
2nd. Harmony
3rd. Wholeness
4th. Totality
5th. Alignment
6th. Benevolence
7th. Togetherness
8th. Mercy
9th. Essence
10th. Union
11th. Orgin
12th. Ecology
13th. Universal
14th. Potentiality
15th. Naturalism
16th. Evolution
17th. Immortality
18th. Eternity
19th. Victory
20th. Inclusiveness
21st. Destiny
22nd. Utopia
23rd. Divinity
24th. Synergy
25th. Perpetuity
26th. Cosmic
27th Metamorphosis
28th. Belongingness
29th. Fellowshipping
30th. Opportunity
1st. God
2nd. Jesus
3rd. Deity
4th. Cosmos
5th. Salvation
6th. Values
7th. Talents
8th. Forgiveness
9th. Faithfulness
10th. Grtitude
11th. Faith
12th. Truth
13th. Spirit
14th. Intuition
15th. Abundance
16th. Confession
17th. Healing
18th. Conversion
19th. Karma
20th. Blessings
21st. Sacredness
22nd. Prophecy
23rd. Grace
24th. Wisdom
25th. Projection (Astral)
26th. Praise
27th. Reverence
28th. Holiness
29th. Morality
30th. Transcendence
31st. Paradise
About the Author
Uriah J. Fields, an author and
composer, is the principal founder
and Encourager-in-Chief of MWC,
that has as its threefold function:
1. Developing personhood
2. Encouraging the practice of community
3. Promoting peace (personal and social)
Copyright 1993, 2003, 2010 by Uriah J. Fields