BUT FOR GRACE By Uriah J. Fields
1. But for grace I would have yielded to temptations and caused by own destruction. But for grace, but for grace, but for grace.
2. But for grace I would not have believed in my- self and discovered my potential. But for grace, but for grace, but for grace,
3. But for grace I would have succumbed to self-pity and become a nobody. But for grace, but for grace, but for grace.
4. But for grace I would not have known the pow'r of love and how to love and be loved. But for grace, but for grace, but for grace.
5. But for grace I would not be free to be who I am and have joy in my living. But for grace, but for grace, but for grace.
6. But for grace I would not be able to sing a song that says grace is sufficient But for grace, but for grace, but for grace.
Copyright 2011 by Uriah J. Fields
Note: To access music for "But for Grace" visit: http://uriahfields.com/Download.html and from the pop-up click on "But for Grace."