1. I am thankful for God, the Cosmic Source 2. I am thankful for Jesus, God's one and only Son 3. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit, my 24/7 Guide 4. I am thankful for my God-consciousness 5. I am thankful for love, my loving and being loved 6. I am thankful for God's grace that is sufficient. 7. I am thankful for my faith that allows me to trustingly surrender 8. I am thankful for opportunities that are numerous and worthwhile 9. I am thankful for my creativity that I express in myriad ways 10. I am thankful for my discernment to make healthy decisions. 11. I am thankful for my lifetime of good health 12. I am thankful for my singing, music the and songs I compose 13. I am thankful for my insatiable desire to do creative writing 14. I am thankful for provisions that include food, clothing and shelter 15. I am thankful for protection, self-defense capabilties and safety 16. I am thankful for having self-control and discipline 17. I am thankful for being an American and my African descent 18. I am thankful for government, federal, state and local 19. I am thankful for spirituality that transcends all religious faiths 20. I am thankful for Religion and Religious Institutions 21. I am thankful for Education and Educational Institutions 22. I am thankful for my ongoing pursuit of knowledge 23. I am thankful for my uniqueness and idiosyncrasy 24. I am thankful for my embracing of process self-discovery 25. I am thankful for my possessing enlightenment and wisdom 26. I am thankful for the enjoyment that makes life worth living 27. I am thankful for my peace with God, the world and myself 28. I am thankful for my ability to practice living in the now 29. I am thankful for my ability to remember and reminisce 30. I am thankful for my practice of having time for silence 31. I am thankful for my daily request for divine guidance 32. I am thankful for beauty that is within me and surrounds me 33. I am thankful for challenges that empower me to do better 34. I am thankful for nature and her magnanimous offerings 35. I am thankful for seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter 36. I am thankful for animals, fowls and vegetation 37. I am thankful for bees and butterflies and kindred creatures 38. I am thankful for serendipity, the unexpected blessings I receive 39. I am thankful for my present and past residences 40. I am thankful for my twenty year-old automobile 41. I am thankful for my television, telephone, facebook and twitter 42. I am thankful for my computer, the internet and personal website 43. I am thankful for the City of Charlottesville where I now reside 44. I am thankful for people who have been special for me 45. I am thankful for my friends and intimates, past and present 46. I am thankful for water, oceans, rivers, lakes and streams 47. I am thankful for the recognition I receive from other people 48. I am thankful for the good I am able to share with other people 49. I am thankful for my attitude of gratitude 50. I am thankful for the sermons and lectures I listen to and deliver 51. I am thankful for fire and the benefits it offers 52. I am thankful for rain, wind and snow 53. I am thankful for my ancestors, including those from Africa 54. I am thankful for my parents and grandparents who nurtured me 55. I am thankful for my siblings, their spouses and children 56. I am thankful for prayers others offer for me and those I offer 57. I am thankful for the Mutuality Philosophy which I embrace 58. I am thankful for my acceptance of change 59. I am thankful for my appreciation for humor and laughter 60. I am thankful for my bodily intake, digestion and elimination 61. I am thnkful for the investment made in my actualization needs 62. I am thankful for God's mercy and the mercy I extend to others 63. I am thankful for my appreciation for work and play 64. I am thankful for having patience and knowing "it came to pass." 65. I am thankful for the promises made to me and kept 66. I am thankful for the cosmos, sky, sun, moon and stars 67. I am thankful for imagination and fantasy 68. I am thankful for the arts, science and mathematics 69. I am thankful for medicine and medical practitioners 70. I am thankful for knowing how to use the power I possess 71. I am thankful for being able to engage daily in physical exercise 72. I am thankful for being able to experience life as a celebration 73. I am thankful for my sex life, love-making and orgasms 74. I am thankful for my standing inviolate of my character 75. I am thankful for the diversified venues I frequent and find meaning 76. I am thankful for legacies that can be used to foster goodness 77. I am thankful for time: clock time calendar time and timelessness 78. I am thankful for healing received and delivered by me 79. I am thankful for being able to sleep and rest 80. I am thankful for the birth of the newborn human 81. I am thankful for my offering of compassion and empathy 82. I am thankful for the unique impact of my paternal Grandfather on me 83 I am thankful for the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s 84. I am thankful for the three Civil Rights Acts enacted in the 1960s 85. I am thankful for my ability to forgive and receive forgiveness 86. I am thankful for my ceaseless hope that won't let me quit 87. I am thankful for the good and righteous that outweigh the bad 88. I am thankful for my commitment to the practice of community 89. I am thankful for my being happy most of the time 90. I am thankful for good leadership, including that I provide 91. I am thankful for the joy people experience when I play the harmonica 92. I am thankful for the deceased and alive souls who nourish me 93. I am thankful for the resilient efficacy that I possess 94. I am thankful for my willingness and that of others to fight for justice 95. I am thankful for being able to ask for pleasure without fear 96. I am thankful for having self-respect and extending respect to others 97. I am thankful for my role in creation that is in the making still 98. I am thankful for benefits I receive from asking "So what?" 99. I am thankful for my longevity that has exceeded four score years 100. I am thankful for the good death that awaits me 101. I am thankful for Eternity, the eternal now and the eternal forever.
A THANK YOU GOD LITANY By Uriah J. Fields <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> O gracious and Holy God, in your presence and with thankful hearts we offer to You this Sacrament of gratitude: We acknowledge You as the giver of all good things and the bestower of our manifold blessings: We are aware that Your goodness is great and our blessings are too many for us to enumerate one-by-one. Yet, O God in this prayer of thanksgiving, at this particular time, we want to thank You for some specific gifts You have showered upon us: We begin with life, our lives, we are still among the living, The health and strength that we possess, The food, clothing, shelter and safety we enjoy today and have enjoyed in days gone by. For all these we joyfully proclaim, not just with our mouths but with our lives, Thank You God. We are mindful of the compassion we have known, Our mother's tender-loving care expressed in more ways than we can say, The strength and protective eyes of our fathers, The knowledge and wisdom we have received from teachers in schools and beyond the school walls, The ministers and spiritual leaders who proclaimed good news to us and by their examples let us know how to be responsible and live righteous lives, Our playmates who helped us to know the beauty of laughter and how to be spontaneous; The moving stories we have heard, sometimes sad but mostly happy ones, that helped us to better know the storytellers and understand ourselves; Those from many walks o f life who revealed to us the power of faith, hope, love and prayer, The tears we have shed, both tears of joy and tears of sorrow; For the suffering that has empowered us in ways that only suffering can, making us strong and able to endure life's challenges. For all these we joyfully proclaim, not just with our mouths but with our lives, Thank You God; We have confidence and assurance that You who have brought us this far is not going to leave us now or as long an we exercise faith and hold fast the gift of salvation. We know Who You are and Whose we are; You are our Father; In your presence we will abide and with eternal hope claim victory. For all these we joyfully proclaim, not just with our mouths but with our lives, Thank You God. And so it is. Amen.
Copyright 2014 by Uriah J. Fields
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