With Childlike Playfulness Words and Music by Uriah J. Fields
1. With my two hands I touch___ the Cos - mos and ex- plore the height, breadth and depth of be- ing -ness and noth- ing- ness.
2. With my two hands I em - brace, in - ter- face, eyes to eyes, bos- om to bos - om, cheek to cheek and dis - pense beau - ty.
3. With my two hands I work___ and ren -der a lab - or of love that are both pro - duc - tive and sat - is - fy - ing.
4. With my two hands I play ___ just for fun; I play ball, mu- sic, chil- dren games, ro- man -tic games and play- act-ing.
5. With my two hands I give___ all the love I can give; free - ly and this love does re - turns bet - ter than it was.
6. With my two hands I re- ceive from God's grace the pro- mise, my in- her - i- tance, in mem - 'ry of my an- ces- tors.
7. With my two hands I take care of my - self, I am my own best friend, I lis - ten to my bod -y, mind and soul.
8. With my two hands I de- fend right -eous -ness and good- ness and I will do all that is nec- es- sary to sur- vive.
9. With my two hands I cre- ate art, mu- sic, write poe' -try search the in- ter- net and send mes- sages to truth seek -ers.
10. With my two hands I stroke___my own self, and oth - ers who ask me for my ten - der love and child - like soft - ness.
12. With my two hands I heal___ the sick___, give com -fort to the griev - ing, brok - en heart -ed and dis- pair- ing souls.
13. With my two hands I join___ oth- er hands and con- nect with peo - ple pow - er that lets me know that we are one.
14. With my two hands I praise___ the Lord___ who is my strength and the su- preme at- trac- tion of my af - fec- tion.
15. With my two hands I hold___ to God's hands who guides me in paths where I ex - per - i- ence both earth and heav - en.
16. With my two hands I'll fly___ a - way to a land more sweet than earth and as e- tern - al as end - less -ness.
With my two hands... With my two hands... With my two hands.
Copyright 2010 by Uriah J. Fields
To receive lead sheet music for this song, please send a self-address and stamped envelope plus 5 additional stamps to:
Uriah J. Fields
P. O. Box4770
Charlottesville, VA 22905