Be surprised by joy when you discover while reading this write that you are a member of the Mutuality World Community or will be inspired to become one when you realize that this is a better way for you and your fellow-human relations to live.
Community is not a matter of geography, nation, religion, race, education, or economic status. Community matters.
What is community? In community the Declaration of Interdependence supersedes, upgrades or replaces, the Declaration of Independence. Community is a practice...what we do, or, more correctly, what we do together as a common or shared experience, even when it is merely in Spirit. It is commitment to a creative, collective and interrelational process in which the individual practitioner shares with others and releases his talents while simultaneously receiving quid pro quo from other members of the community.
The practice of commutity is fundamentally a lifestyle, i.e., a way of being that occurs in an environment where the weak is never weaker than the strong and the strong is never weakened by the weak because love prevails as the principal force, and love given always returns better than it was before it was released. From the gift of love comes only enhancement for those engaged in a transaction.
What is Mutuality? Mutuality, in essence, is the concept of man as a responsible being, with happiness, more correctly, enjoyment, for himself and others as both the practical and ultimate purpose of life, with creative expression as his noblest activity, and love as the only absolute. (Love is the good we do and it alone when well served is always good and right in every situation). Love loves.
Mutuality consists of seven principles, namely, responsiblility, which is the core principal, freedom, love, creativeness, self-transcendence, commitment and enjoyment. The Mutualtiy way of life offers a person the best opportunity to maximize the development and enjoyment of his potential. A person who commits to this way of being is called a Mutuality Warrior because he adheres to the Mutualty principles.
A Mutuality Warrior is the person best prepared to survive and experiene meaning in survival. He has the best answer to the question: "How are we to live our lives reasonably safe from destructiveness without withdrawing or hiding to avoid things we fear and apparent danger?"
In the Mutuality World Community membership is free and open to all. However, it does require that a person possess a community-consciousness. And as the song says, declare, "We are Children of the World."
It you share in Spirit and accept your connectedness and belongingness with other human beings, whoever they are and wherever they are, then declare first to yourself that you are a member of the Mutuality World Community. Should you feel led by the same Spirit to do so, let the Encourager-in-Chief of the Mutuality World Community know about your decision.
Be assured that you are entitled to all the rights, privileges and responsiblities available to members of the Mutuality World Community, except those bestowed upon only the illuminati. Know that being a member of of the Mutuality World Community you are also a Mutuality Warrior. I am proud to be a member of the Mutuality World Community and a Mutuality Warrior
The Mutuality Warrior's Song
(Refrain) I write the song, I sing the song, I live the song, I sing about. It's the song of my journey as a Mutualty Warrior. (Sing Refrain after each stanza and end Refrain with) As a Mutuality Warrior. That journey takes me near and far, But most of all it is a journey within. That journey though at times a batteground engaging my soldiering power in a fight for my survival... Yes, I can say, sweet is the journey on the Warrior's road And I wouldn't take anything for my journey.
I see the people reaching out And I hear them say, "Oh Warrior, Please stay." I share with them as best I can before moving on to be alone listening to life sing the song that says we are one... Yes, I can say, sweet is the journey on the Warrior's road And I wouldn't take anything for my journey.
That journey is and encounter With life and death and celebration of life; My journey gives me hope that travelers like myself will demonstrate how real love makes whole and sets free all who are unfree... Yes, I can say, sweet is the journey on the Warrior's road. And I wouldn't take anything for my journey.
Welcome! Congratulation!
Uriah J. Fields Encourager-in-Chief of the Mutuality World Community
Copyright 2009 by Uriah J. Fields