Victory Song for President Obama and America
OBAMA IS STILL THE ONE By Uriah J. Fields, Ph.D.
My song, composed after the 2012 election, celebrating the victory for Obama and America preceded by some facts about the election that money couldn't buy.
Facts about the 2012 Election
2012 Election Price Tag: $6 Billion
Supporters spent on Mitt Romney's Campaign $1,228.213.064 Supporters spent on Barack Obama's Campaign $932,013.338
Congressional and Presidential Candidates (and their supporters) spent a record $6 Billion.
Electoral Votes Obama Romney 332 206
Obama received 126 more electoral votes than Romney. Electoral votes needed to win 270.
Popular Votes Obama Romney 62,263.068 58,895.290
Obama received 3,367.778 more votes than Romney.
***************************************************************** Victory Song for Obama and America
Obama is Still the One
O- bam- a has been scan- dal- ized and as- saul- ted __ by fiend- ish id- e- o- logues; His char- ac- ter and A- mer- i- can cit- i- zen- ship have been ques- tion- ed. They done tried to make him stop fight- in', stop lov- in', stop lead- in', -- But we all can see, "He's still the one."
Now that he has been re- e- lect- ed to serve an- oth- er four years as the Pres- i- dent of the U- nit- ed States he's gon- na shine bright- er for us than the North Star. They done tried to make him be an- gry, be veng- ful, be fee- ble -- But we all can see, "He' still the one."
O- bam- a we trust you and be- lieve in jus- tice for all just as you do and we pledge a- new our sup- port to help move A- mer- i- ca to- ward jus- tice for all. They done tried to make him stop fight- in', stop lov- in', stop lead- in', -- |: But we all can see, "He's still the one." :|
Copyright 2012 by Uriah J. Fields 11/7/12
{Please note: You can recite or sing this song according to how you feel when you say aloud the words of this song. To receive music for this song, mail 6 postal stamps to: Uriah J. Fields P. O. Box 4770 Charlottesville, VA 22905