I GO TO NATURE By Uriah J. Fields
Insights into the efficacy of nature to positively impact a person's life.
Nature is the most total manifestation of God and existence. She is God's Most Significant Other, His wife and the first fruit of His womb; She consists of galaxies and solar systems, planets and heavens; The earth with vegetation, including plants, grass and trees, Fowls including birds, chickens and peafowls; Animals including man the masterpiece of Creation - nature's brainchild - and other mammals, both on land and in the sea; Insects, reptiles, fish, bees and a host of other named and unnamed, known and unknown, species; The heavens, ever so beautiful, majestic and vast, bedecked with stars, the moon and the sun, clouds, rain and snow, And invisible forces, including angels and the wind that sometimes move with hurricane velocity, sound waves and extrasensory perception, telepathically-transmitted. It is no wonder the Psalmist exclaimed, "The heavens declare the glory of God." Nature is the ultimate phenomenon, infinite, partly known, partly unknown and partly unknowable to that part of her called humanity. She is pure reality yet a mystery. Although we humans are aware of our aspectual ramification and connection with the embodiment in her essence we, nevertheless, stand in awe of her power as we acknowledge her comprehensiveness and incomprehensibleness. We delight in the realms of meaning she proffers us. However, great the efforts we make to avoid nature's presence, we cannot, except for, perhaps, fleeting moments or doing our absent-mindness. But even then nature is present. We interface her in numerous ways such as in the rising and setting of the sun, listening to birds sing, a gentle breeze and in the awareness we have of ourselves. We cannot escape from nature. We are nature's soul, her beloved and, in a certain way, her chief beneficiary and most gifted enhancer of the earth. Much too often we resist nature and attempt to manipulate her manifestations. This conduct invariable brings to us suffering and human misery. There seems to be a correlation between man's attempt to manipulate nature and the amount of despair he experiences. Most humans have not as yet learned that Mother nature knows best. Joyce Kilmer understood this truth when he said, "Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree." What is salvation but being in harmony with nature, moving with her rhythm and flowing with her current. Let this become the axiom that directs your livingness: "Don't swim, float." Nature is my mother, including and beyond Mother Earth. Nature is my father, provider, protector and nurturer. Nature is my good life, all that makes life good, including air, water and food. I go to nature and abide with her for long periods of time. I know she is always present, but there are times when I am distanced from her and indifferent toward her. Sometimes I experiences her as being wrathful and uncaring. These moments, however, are usually brief, having come to pass, not to stay. I have learned much about nature's ways and resourcefulness. I delight in nature. I go to nature when I want to be close to God and commune with Him I go to nature when I am moved to silence and quietness, contemplation, meditation and prayer, I go to nature when I desire rapt sensuousness and beauty par excellence; I go to nature when I want to be touched in a power way and yet with tenderness; hear the birds sing, see the antelope gaze and graze, inhale fragrances from flower blossoms, look at the the snow covered mountain peaks and the golden valleys and feel the scintillating breeze; I go to nature when I want added strength for my journey, fresh inspiration and a deepening understanding of my relationship to the innumerable components of the gestalt that includes all, even the Creator. I go to nature. And now, in the autumn of my life, after having seen many risings and settings of the sun and new moons, I go to nature often, more often now than ever before, because I have developed a nature-consciousness. I know that nature is my Source. So friend, I offer to you my prescription for entering Paradise in the here-and-now: Go to nature, not once or twice, but do it perpetually. Allow nature to lift your burdens, restore you to good health or keep you healthy, surprise you with joy and give you peace; Let nature help you with self-definition, self-love and self-hood. Let nature be that matrix where you creatively express yourself, grow and enjoy. For all these things and even more can be yours when you go to nature. Once again I declare with enthusiasm and conviction, I go to nature for knowledge, enlightenment, healing, gratification and communion; I go to nature whenever I feel the spirit moving in my nature-loving center. I am a nature person. When my autumn has passed and my winter has come, I will then go to nature and remain there for all eternity; But until then, even though I will leave nature from time-to-time, insofar as my awareness and consciousness of nature's presence are concerned, I will consistently and frequently go to nature. Going to nature makes my life worth living and my journey sweet. I go to nature.
Copyright 2007 & 2017 by Uriah J. Fields
Out of nothingness came beingness - the universe - earth, water, sky, stars, moon and sun, followed by plants, fowls and animals, including man, the masterpiece of Genesis, Some call it Evolution; I call it God. Thunder and lightning, changing seasons, rain, snow, wind, earthquakes and volcanoes, all dispensing power, glory, blessings and curses, Some call it natural phenomena; I call it God. Grace, splendor, delight, majesty, birds and bees, flowers and trees, mountains and valleys, rivers and streams, laughter and ecstasy, goodness and kindness, Some call it beauty; I call it God. Bliss, tranquility, contemplation, fusion, harmony, oneness, conscious and unconscious experienced as the enjoyed, infinity, Some call it communion: I call it God.
The impossible made possible, the improbable made probable, serendipity, like manna falling from Heaven, astral projection, bio-invisibleness, seeing what only God can see, Some call it a miracle; I call it God.
Uniqueness, spontaneity, a new creation, self peculiarly being the self - the unprecedented and never-to-be repeated self, here now and now here, the flow, soul-force expressed, Some call it creativity; I call it God. Masters mastering themselves, Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Akhenaten, Zoroaster, Confucius; Sacred Books: the Bible, Torah, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Faiths: Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam; the spiritual essence within every man that transcends all faiths and engenders meaning in livingness, Some call it religion; I call it God.
Goodness, caring, tenderheartedness, intimacy, friendship, acceptance, understanding, empathy, transparency, presence, healing, music, sensuousness, sexuality, nakedness, righteousness, Some call it love; I call it God. Disappointment, despair, failure aborted dreams, miscarriage, wakening sleep, chronic silence, shortening of the lengthening shadow, the final leap that frees the soul, the gateway to immortality, Some call it death; I call it God. The Rapture, perfect peace, nirvana, Karma, eternal rest, total freedom, existence without trouble or pain. Paradise, on a higher level than experienced by "Grandpa Adam and Grandma Eve, the Ultimate Return to Genesis, where I never was, where I always am - an ultimate paradox, Some call it Heaven; I call it God. Undoubtedly you have heard, "A thousand years in His sight is as but a day." And that's not clock-time or calendar-time, Some call it time; I call it God. But what about "Time without end, from everlasting unto everlasting?" Some call it Eternity; I call it God. And did you hear, "We shall be changed at the twinkling of an eye; the corruptible shall put of incorruption?" Some call it a mystery; I call it God. O Christian, did you say, "The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?" Some call it the Trinity; I call it God. Listen to the words of Jesus, "The Father and I are one. I pray that they all may be one, even as the Father and I are one." Some call it joint-heirs inheritance; I call it God. The Creator of the created, observing His own handiwork said, "And it was good, very good. "Some take g-o-d out of good and call it zero, I take zero out of good and call it God.
Copyright 2001 & 2017 by Uriah J. Fields